Benzaiten (Sarasvatî Devî) is the Heavenly Protector and Tutor of Arts and Culture. She is a major symbolic figure in Rinzai Zen.
Arts have long been associated with Zen.
Zen is well known for the Artistic movements it has insired, in Music (especially the Lute and flute, and even beat Jazz), Painting and Calligraghy (from Sumi-e to to Abstract expressionism), Poetry and Prose, Tea appreciation and foods.
Zen Culture or Zen no Bunka is devoted to the central principle that all beings can rise above their condition. Through Zen meditation, combined with various Arts.
Art lessons are available at Perth Zen Centre Jizoan. If you are distance challenged online contact is still possible.
Looking for Shakuhachi flute lessons to combine with your Zen training, try the following link
Various Tea ceremony groups are located around Australia